Thank you for your interest in One Book One Nebraska. The website for the 2012 selection, "I Am a Man": Chief Standing Bear's Journey for Justice, by Joe Starita, is now accessible at

Local Wonders: Seasons in the Bohemian Alps, by Ted Kooser

Nebraska marks its seventh year of One Book One Nebraska, selecting and promoting a title for Nebraska citizens to read to celebrate the literary richness of our state. Nebraska libraries and other literary and cultural organizations statewide plan activities and events to encourage all Nebraskans to read and discuss the same book.

Quote from Ted KooserThe Nebraska Center for the Book announced Local Wonders: Seasons in the Bohemian Alps as the 2011 One Book One Nebraska featured selection at the Celebration of Nebraska Books on Nov. 6, 2010. The other four finalists were I Am A Man: Chief Standing Bear’s Journey for Justice by Joe Starita; Nebraska Presence: An Anthology of Poetry by Greg Kosmicki and Mary K. Stillwell, editors; Plainsong by Kent Haruf; and A Sandhills Ballad by Ladette Randolph.

One Book One Nebraska 2011 is sponsored by the Nebraska Center for the Book, Nebraska Humanities Council, Nebraska Library Association, Nebraska Library Commission, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska Repertory Theatre, and the University of Nebraska Press.

Use this Website to discover a wide variety of materials and activities to support your exploration of Local Wonders and the life of Ted Kooser.

The choice for the 2012 One Book One Nebraska will be announced October 22, 2011, at 5:30 p.m., at the Nebraska Center for the Book's Celebration of Nebraska Books. The event will take place at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, 12th & R Streets, on the University of Nebraska campus in downtown Lincoln. 

To nominate a book for 2012 One Book One Nebraska, send an e-mail by June 15, 2011. Recommendations may also be sent via the U.S. Postal Service to the Nebraska Center for the Book; One Book One Nebraska; c/o Nebraska Library Commission Reference Services; 1200 N Street, Ste. 120; Lincoln, NE 68508-2023.

Local Wonders by Ted Kooser

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"I Am a Man" Chief Standing Bear's Journey for Justice, by Joe Starita is Nebraska's reading choice for the 2012 One Book One Nebraska statewide reading program.

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